A huge selling point for buyers who choose to use BuiltByBit’s resource marketplace lies in our ability to offer buyers the convenience of an add-to-cart system.

Rather than having to go through the PayPal purchase process for each individual resource that a customer wants to purchase, the add-to-cart system allows them to add multiple products to their cart and go through the payment process for all of them at once. This saves time and effort for customers and also makes it easier for them to purchase more items at once.

Buyers are able to purchase any Pro products from any creators in a single transaction. Server owners no longer have to do separate transactions for a setup, artwork, Discord bot, and website template they want. Instead, they can add all the products to their cart

Our cart systems also integrate with cross-sells, which means customers can be presented with additional resources that they may be interested in, such as related products in the same category or products frequently bought together. This can encourage customers to purchase more, as they are presented with items they may not have considered before. Read more about cross-sells here: Cross-sells

Furthermore, creators will experience a significant reduction in gateway fees due to this cart system. Usually a PayPal payment, for example, charges 2.49% plus $0.40 flat per product purchased since they occur in individual transactions. When a buyer has several products in their cart, this 40c flat fee is smartly split between the creators! Read more about this gateway fee split here: Payment Fees

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