Being a creator can be a lonely and isolating experience. Even with a team and partners, the buck ultimately stops with the resource owner. That’s why joining a community of likeminded authors can be so beneficial. From offering a space to discuss the challenges of resource ownership to providing support and encouragement, a community of likeminded authors can be a valuable asset and is what being involved in the author community of BuiltByBit’s Discord server solves.

Our Discord server contains many public channels that anyone can access, but we also have hidden channels exclusively available to our creators. Access is automatically granted, the only requirement to gain access is to have made at least $100 in sales or had 1,000 downloads of your resources.

Reasons to join our creator community:

  1. Access to new ideas and perspective
  2. Improved networking and partnership opportunities
  3. Valuable feedback and support
  4. Learn about creator news from us before we announce it elsewhere
  5. Vote on polls to help us decide what features to work on next

Click here to join our BuiltByBit Discord Server

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